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Hormone Health 

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Hormone health refers to the balance and proper functioning of hormones in the body which is closely linked to mental well-being. Hormone imbalances can result from various factors, including stress, ageing, medical conditions, certain medications, and lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise. Hormones influence mood, stress response, and cognitive function and imbalances may contribute to conditions such as anxiety and depression. Signs of hormone imbalance vary but may include changes in weight, mood swings, irregular menstrual cycles, fatigue, changes in sex drive, and difficulty sleeping. Addressing hormone health can be an important part of a comprehensive approach to mental health care in women and men.

group of middle aged women smiling
middle aged man and woman on bikes

Menopause & Peri-Menopause

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her periods stop as the ovaries stop functioning and eventually stop producing the sex hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. The peri-menopause is the time in the lead up to the menopause where there can be highly fluctuating hormone levels. You may notice a change in your periods as they may become less frequent, shorter or heavier. Or your periods may be unchanged but you may start to experience some symptoms. Symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause include hot flushes and night sweats, disturbed sleep and insomnia, low energy levels and sex drive. They can also include emotional and cognitive symptoms such as low mood, anxiety and impaired memory and concentration, a sensation of ‘brain fog’. Physical symptoms such as joint pains, headaches, hair loss, vaginal dryness and urinary symptoms, including the urge to urinate more frequently and sometimes urinary incontinence may also occur. Menopause can cause symptoms in practically every organ system. These symptoms may last for several years. However, they can be effectively treated, most commonly by replacing the hormones that are lost. 


If you think you might be going through peri-menopause or menopause, you can take a screening test here.

Pre-Menstrual Disorders

The majority of women (up to 70-90%) will have some physical discomfort like bloating and tummy or breast pain, or emotional symptoms like mood swings, irritability and anxiety in the few days leading up to their period. Some women (about 20-40%) will experience a pe-menstrual syndrome (PMS) when the symptoms are severe enough to interfere with day to day activities and they may need to take time off school or work.  A smaller number (up to 8%), experience even more severe symptoms that include a worsening of mood, causing significant distress and interfering with functioning, referred to as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). The diagnosis of PMDD is based on specific criteria that include the symptoms mentioned, however a key feature is that they resolve within a few days after the start of the period. Some women with other mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety disorders or ADHD, find that although they experience symptoms of these disorders throughout their menstrual cycle, they are much worse in the few days leading up to their period. They may also notice that their usual medication seems less effective in treating the condition. This is called premenstrual exacerbation (PME). We still do not know why some women seem to be more sensitive to the fluctuations in hormone levels related to the menstrual cycle and experience these disorders. However, effective treatments include antidepressants and hormone based therapies. 


If you think you might have PMDD or PME, you can take a screening test here 

Testosterone deficiency & Andropause

Men’s hormone health is no longer a taboo. As men age, levels of sex hormones, particularly testosterone, also decline, typically in the late 40s and early 50s. Although this does not occur as abruptly and as completely as is the case for female menopause, this can also affect your physical health and emotional wellbeing. Have you become depressed, anxious, irritable and fatigued? Are your concentration and memory impaired and is your sleep disrupted? Have you gradually gained weight, with more body fat, reduced muscle mass and man boobs? Is your libido low and your ability to get and sustain an erection reduced? These may be symptoms of testosterone deficiency in the context of what is increasingly termed andropause or ‘male menopause’. Treatment with testosterone replacement therapy can help.


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Booking Your Consultation

To secure your appointment, you will need to provide credit card details on booking by clicking on the link. You will only be charged on the day of the appointment. On booking, you will automatically be enrolled to our secure online portal where you can manage your appointments, access your history and communicate with your doctor and the team.

Before Your Appointment

In order to optimize the time during the consultation, we will send out some questionnaires for you to complete at least 48 hours before your consultation.

During Your Appointment

The appointment will take place via video call, so you can attend from the comfort of your own home. It will typically last for an hour. We will explore your symptoms and medical history and advise on the diagnosis and treatment. In some cases we may recommend further testing, for example, blood tests.

After Your Appointment

We will provide a written summary of the consultation. You will be able to book a follow up appointment to review any test results and discuss and implement your personalized treatment plan including optimal lifestyle management and if appropriate, hormone therapies or other medications. You can book your follow up appointment by logging into the secure online portal by using the Log In link on the menu bar.

Hormone Health

Conditions we treat for women include peri-menopause, menopause and premenstrual disorders. For men, we treat testosterone deficiency and male menopause (andropause). 

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